About Us.

Job Search is a Jobseacher
Our job search is Jobseacher with the address jobseacher.com
Jobseacher provides services to match candidates with employers. In this place, candidates can find jobs according to their interests and talents and look for the company they want. Meanwhile, entrepreneurs can search for the required candidates according to the talents and skills needed.

Jobseacher specifically provides services for candidates that can be done:

  • Curiculum vitae (CV) profile maker for free with several social media links.
  • Create a featured profile or curicuum vitae for a fee.
  • Shortlist job vacancies.
  • Create a company shortlist.
  • Apply for jobs in person.
  • Provide live chat to make a job interview or job interview through the chat.

For employers specifically Jobseacher provides services that can be done:

  • Create a complete company profile with the type of company business and how many employees are currently employed with an office atmosphere in the form of an image and several social media links.
  • Posting free job vacancies with a long term of up to 30 days.
  • Posting job vacancies with urgent features and pay for it immediately.
  • Create a candidate shortlist.
  • Create and organize job posting.
  • Provide live chat to make a job interview or job interview through the chat.

I hope you can do your best and be full of responsibility by using our services. We wish you the best results and satisfying all of them.

Best regards.
Jobseacher Services.